Grakhova Svetlana Ivanovna, Ismailova Nailya Irkinovna
Elabuga Institute (Branch) of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Abstract. The article deals with the bylichka genre borrowed from adults by children and turned into terrifying (superstitious) stories in the children's folklore. Genre features and poetics of children's bylichka are revealed. The authors see the difference between children's bylichkas and adults' ones in poetic borrowings from the fairy-tale genre. Hence they have double world characteristic which is based on binary relations making up a ternary structure in their turn. Special attention is paid to psychological aspects of children's bylichka performance and existence. The authors reveal children's mythical and cultural world showing the power of complicated combination of regularities of children's psyche and specific perception of the outer world.
Key words and phrases: быличка, страшный рассказ, поэтика, жанровая особенность, мировосприятие детей, механизмы психологической защиты, бессознательное, bylichka (story about meeting with devildom), terrifying story, poetics, genre feature, children's perception of the world, mechanisms of psychological defense, the unconscious
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