Shchemeleva Elena Yur'evna
Southern Federal University
Abstract. The article is devoted to investigating the genre of an everyday advice represented in the magazines "Krest'yanka" and "Rabotnitsa" of the 50-60s. The article is aimed at the analysis of functional and pragmatic nature of an everyday advice considered in the context of concrete historical conditions of its formation and development which is done for the first time because up to the present moment the genre of advice was investigated exclusively in relation to its language specifics, and genre of an everyday advice was not investigated at all. The researcher draws conclusions about the functions of an everyday advice in the Soviet periodicals and the special place it kept in the system of ideological promotion which is a necessary stage in the understanding of Soviet linguoculture on the whole.
Key words and phrases: фрейм, слот, речевой жанр, совет, прагматика, лингвокультура, русистика, советистика, frame, slot, oral genre, advice, pragmatics, linguoculture, Russian Studies, Soviet Studies
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