Vrublevskaya Oksana Valentinovna
Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University
Abstract. The article is devoted to investigating ergonyms from the viewpoint of language fashion. The goal of the paper is to establish how under the influence of extra-linguistic factors the language fashion manifests itself under the choice of nominative units in the sphere of commercial ergonomics. The author suggests a model for the analysis of ergonyms from the viewpoint of compliance with the attributive values of fashion (universality, cyclicity, modernity, representativeness, game) which can be later on used under investigation of various groups of proper names.
Key words and phrases: языковая мода, эргоним, универсальность, цикличность, современность, демонстративность, игра, language fashion, ergonym, universality, cyclicity, modernity, representativeness, game
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Biznes Volgograd. Spisok firm g. Volgograd [Elektronnyi resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 03.03.14).
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