Vasilenko Anatolii Petrovich
Bryansk State University named after academician I. G. Petrovsky
Abstract. Broad approach to considering the range of the language fixed expressions allows singling out the fraction "analytical lexical collocation", which is coherent to the term "phraseological combination" (V. V. Vinogradov), and can be monotypic (or basic, i.e. it acts as a classification standard) and polytypic (or marginal, i.e. it displays the features of other classification combinations of phraseological units) according to the set of its components.
Key words and phrases: фразеологизм, классификация, аналитическая лексическая коллокация, монотипная фракция, политипная фракция, phraseological unit, classification, analytical lexical collocation, monotypic fraction, polytypic fraction
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