Simonenko Ekaterina Ivanovna
Belgorod National Research University
Abstract. The article considers the cognitive-pragmatic characteristics of phraseological units (PhU). The goal of the paper is to show how phrasemes, being involved into the artistic discursive thinking, form the semantic structure of a statement. Interpretation of cognitive-pragmatic energy of phrasemes in the artistic discourse enabled the author to reveal the creative nature of functioning of phrasemics in the cognitive-discursive area of literary text, intensively adapting to the conditions of oral communication and being a method for figurative implementation of the author’s communicative intentions.
Key words and phrases: фразема, художественный дискурс, интенциональность, лингвопоэтика, когнитивная прагматика, phraseme, artistic discourse, intentionality, lingvo-poetics, cognitive pragmatics
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