Zabrodina Irina Konstantinovna, Yakovleva Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
Tomsk Polytechnic University
Abstract. The article presents the possible ways to enrich the vocabulary stock of a language, the basic one of which is the formation of neologisms. The authors consider the history of neology development in two European countries (Germany and France) and in one Asian country (China) analyzing the peculiarities and detecting similar features that is determined by the differences in the worldviews of different cultures as well as by state structure, political and cultural situation in the definite country.
Key words and phrases: языкознание, развитие неологии, "социализация неологизмов", "неологический бум", типология неологизмов, linguistics, development of neology, "socialization of neologisms", "neological boom", typology of neologisms
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