Fomina Kseniya Sergeevna
Saratov State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky
Abstract. The article deals with the peculiarities of metaphor as a linguistic unit, specifics of its division into linguistic and artistic; the author shows the active role of metaphor in the reflection of poet’s world-view, particularly the metaphor of wide context. The paper analyzes one of the key for S. Kekova’s creative work metaphors of wide context: "our life is a prayer through tears". The researcher represents a wide circle of contexts analyzing this metaphorical model.
Key words and phrases: метафора, языковая метафора, художественная метафора, метафора широкого контекста, идиостиль, современный поэтический текст, С. Кекова, metaphor, linguistic metaphor, artistic metaphor, metaphor of wide context, author’s original style, modern poetical te
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