Mymrina Dina Fedorovna
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of translation of proper names; the special role of anthroponyms in the reconstruction of individually author’s worldview is described and the opportunities of their conformities in the English language are presented. The research based on the material of N. V. Gogol’s work "Dead Souls" demonstrates the structural-semantic peculiarities of Gogol’s anthroponyms and the specifics of their translation by D. J. Hogarth and B. G. Henry.
Key words and phrases: имя собственное, антропоним, структурно-семантические особенности антропонимов, художественный перевод, приемы перевода, proper name, anthroponym, structural-semantic peculiarities of anthroponyms, literary translation, translation methods
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