Gulaya Tat'yana Mikhailovna, Romanova Svetlana Anatol'evna
Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI)
Abstract. The article considers the use of social network services for learning a foreign language in the Internet era of the second generation. Particular attention is paid to the characteristics of such educational language sites as Palabea, Livemocha, Busuu and the roles of these sites users. The advantages and disadvantages of social educational networks and the prospects for their use in the future are discussed.
Key words and phrases: социальные сети, изучение иностранного языка, сервисы Web 2.0, виртуальное образовательное сообщество, специализированные языковые сети, social networks, learning foreign language, services Web 2.0, virtual educational community, specialized language netw
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