Chekhlova Liliya Airatovna
Elabuga Institute of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Abstract. The article considers the peculiarities of chronotope by the example of fiction novel "The Green Face" of the Austrian writer – expressionist Gustav Meyrink (1868-1932). G. Meyrink’s creative work is an artistic experiment. Writer’s keenness on occult knowledge, oriental mysticism and Kabbalah is represented in his works. The author of the article pays particular attention to the revelation of the notion "chronotope in a fiction novel". The originality of chronotope organization in G. Meyrink’s novel "The Green Face" is confined to the fact that the boundaries of real and fantastic are erased.
Key words and phrases: категория времени, категория пространства, фантастика, фантастический роман, фантастическая реальность, category of time, category of space, science fiction, fiction novel, fantastic reality
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