Volkova Irina Ivanovna, Osipovskaya Elizaveta Andreevna
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow
Abstract. The article is devoted to some theoretical features of political communication game coding in the mass media. The authors consider the trends in the organization of political events by analogy with the game, in the context of gamification. Basing on the theory of Niklas Luhmann, the assumption about doubled game code of political communication is made, the examples of political media reality are given, which are similar in construction and effects to game actions, and also the variants of pseudo-games are presented. The performance game code for the first level of observation and the code of competition for the second level are revealed.
Key words and phrases: игровые коммуникации, игровой код, удвоение реальности, политические коммуникации, наблюдатели, game communication, game code, doubling of reality, political communication, observers
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