Bel'skii Denis Olegovich
I. Kant Baltic Federal University
Abstract. World financial crisis influenced greatly the national system of mass media, in particular, lad magazines. The article analyzes the scale and significance of the crisis for the mentioned type of publications in the context of the Russian media-economics, examines its consequences. The practical value of the research consists in the fact that the author describes anti-crisis measures taken by editorial offices. The researcher suggests that in the future for more stable functioning lad magazines should gamble on the income from readers including profits from selling digital versions.
Key words and phrases: мировой финансовый кризис, международные корпорации, отечественные СМИ, мужские журналы, гендерная периодика, доходы от рекламы, антикризисные меры, медиаэкономика, смена концепции, дигитализация, world financial crisis, international corporations, national media, lad magazines, gender periodicals, advertising revenue, anti-crisis measures, media-economics, change of conception, digitalization
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