Ibragimova El'mira Rashitovna, Sagitova Al'fiya Galeevna
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (Branch) in Elabuga
Abstract. The article presents a contrastive analysis of phraseological units with a component-numeral "seven / ?иде " in the Russian and Tatar languages, and its aim is to study the structural features of lexical and grammatical categories and various modifications of phraseological units with a single numeric component. The study for the first time in the Russian-Tatar comparative linguistics determines the frequency of structural types of numerological phraseological units with a single component "seven / ?иде ", identifies all their lexical and grammatical categories, and reveals two main types of variation (lexical and grammatical) with dominance of lexical modifications in the Russian language, and grammar modifications in the Tatar language.
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