Danilova Yuliya Yur'evna, Nurieva Dinara Rinatovna
Elabuga Institute (Branch) of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Abstract. The goal of the article includes the multi-aspect investigation and description of the special linguistic units of communicative Internet-discourse - creolized texts. In particular, the peculiarities of their functioning are considered from the viewpoint of semantic load, structural peculiarities (integrity and coherence), the functions of the iconic component of a demotivator - one of the most popular types of modern creolized texts. The specifics of the demotivator is conditioned by the necessity for the equal presence of verbal and iconic components determining its conceptual, linguocultural content, information capacity, structural and composite organization and high pragmatic potential.
Key words and phrases: креолизация, креолизованный текст, демотиватор, целостность, связность, функции иконического компонента, лингвокогнитивный и функциональный аспекты, creolization, creolized text, demotivator, integrity, coherence, functions of iconic component, linguo-cognitive and functional aspects
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