Yusupova Nurfiya Marsovna
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Abstract. The article describes the struggle of sociologism and esthetic thought in the valuation of an image of ?. Tuqay by the material of the poetry of the 1920-1930s. Analyzing the available materials the author identifies the basic tendencies in interpreting the image of ?. Tuqay. Scientific originality is conditioned by a different approach to the interpretation of an image of ?. Tuqay in the structure of lyrics: the researcher emphasizes the sociological and philosophical foundations for transforming the conception of ideal, reveals the sociological and philosophical determinants of idealizing an image of a poet in the poetry of the mentioned period. Valuation of literary works in their ideological and aesthetic integrity executed from the new methodological viewpoints enables to identify new aspects in the evolution of a poetical image.
Key words and phrases: образ-идеал, интерпретация, трансформация, функция, социализация, татарская поэзия, image-ideal, interpretation, transformation, function, socialization, Tatar poetry
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