Leont'eva Ales'ya Vyacheslavovna
Moscow State Regional Institute of Humanities
Abstract. The article considers the phenomenon of semantic diffuseness on a background of creating a metaphorically three-dimensional image. This direction determines several aspects of the phenomenon under analysis, revealing the complexity and diversity of the phenomenon of diffuseness in the wide sense - as a linguistic potency. Reference to the diffuseness of semantics within the framework of creating a metaphor is a unique, powerful method of generating the chain of required images. The creation of a metaphorically three-dimensional image is recorded in different speech styles, representing the interactive nature of initiating and initiated reflection.
Key words and phrases: диффузность семантики, метафора, объемность образа, языковая игра, потенция слова, категория множественности, рефлексия, diffuseness of semantics, metaphor, three-dimensionality of image, language game, word potency, category of multiplicity, reflection
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