Kazakova Tat'yana Emel'yanovna
Tyumen State Oil and Gas University
Abstract. The article represents itself an analysis of the basic scientific conceptions revealing the essence of the theory of word formation in the dialectic interaction: its place in the word-centered language system, relation to synchrony, diachrony, inflexion and derivatology. The paper outlines the sphere of controversial issues related to morpheme as a basic unit of word formation. The author emphasizes the comprehensive approach to the theory of word formation in relation to the practice of word analysis.
Key words and phrases: словообразование, синхрония и диахрония, формообразование и формоизменение, критерии дифференциации и интеграции морфов, word formation, synchrony and diachrony, form generation and form change, criteria for differentiating and integrating morphs
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