Zabavnova Olesya Viktorovna
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the question of conceptualization of human inner world emotions and their representation in the language worldview. The study considers the emotional aspect of communication in different cultures - the Russian and Tatar ones, the meta-language of description is Russian. The novelty is in the fact that the figurative components of emotional concepts on the basis of a metaphorical approach to dictionary definitions of its nominees in the English and Tatar languages are subjected to the analysis. The aim is to describe and compare the figurative features of concepts; the result is to identify their common and differentiating features.
Key words and phrases: метафора, метафоризация эмоциональных состояний, эмоциональный концепт, эмотиология, эмотивность, metaphor, metaphorization of emotional states, emotional concept, emotiology, emotiveness
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