Bader Oksana Viktorovna, Shishigin Kirill Aleksandrovich
Kuzbass State Technical University named after T. F. Gorbachev
Kemerovo State University
Abstract. The article examines the principles for classifying prefixal verbs by the material of the German verbs with prefix er-. The authors reveal the possibilities for the analysis of cognitive-semantic specifics of prefixal verbs taking into consideration the three levels: extra-linguistic denotative and logical level of a situation, etymologically conditioned cognitive-semantic macro-level of a situation concept and intra-linguistic cognitive-semantic micro-level of a situateme.
Key words and phrases: немецкий язык, префикс, префиксальный глагол, когнитивная семантика, концепт, концепт ситуации, ролевая структура, German language, prefix, prefixal verb, cognitive semantics, concept, concept of a situation, role structure
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