Sagdieva Ramilya Kamilovna
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
Abstract. Morphology and syntax are closely related because they are elements of grammar. Nowadays morphological units in syntax are examined in the functional aspect. Studying connectors is also a step to "functional grammar". Philologists describe them in a generalized form. The paper for the first time investigates the postposition ?чен (behind) and postpositional word дип (speaking) as connectors concretizing relations between the words in the Tatar language. The researcher identifies their meanings and shades of meaning.
Key words and phrases: конкретизирующее отношение, послелог, послеложное слово, глагол, имя существительное, наречие, прилагательное, средства связи, concretizing relation, postposition, postpositional word, verb, noun, adverb, adjective, connectors
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