Prokhorova Ol'ga Nikolaevna, Chekulai Igor' Vladimirovich, Bagana Zherom, Kuprieva Irina Anatol'evna, Smirnova Stanislava Borisovna
Belgorod State National Research University
Abstract. The article describes the conceptual foundations of developing the mental structure of valuation. The basic goals of the article are as follows: systematization of linguistic and extra-linguistic scientific experience, analysis of the appropriate lexicographic definitions, identification of basic constituents of the chosen mental structure in its specific valuation able to keep, process and translate the experience and specifics of value perception of a certain linguocultural community by means of lexemes objectifying the valuation itself.
Key words and phrases: ценность, оценка, ментальная структура, концепт, концептуальные признаки, объективация, value, valuation, mental structure, concept, conceptual features, objectification
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