Nebaikina Anna Vyacheslavovna
Saratov State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky
Abstract. The article reveals the problem of formation and functioning of the German national press at the beginning of the XX century in the Volga region, published in the situation of foreign ethnic environment and isolation from the metropolis. The uniqueness of ethnic Germans’ periodical press as a result of the interaction of intra- and extra-linguistic factors is substantiated. The ethno-cultural originality of language composition of the German publications is considered in the diachronic aspect. Ethno-specific characteristics that were brought from their historical homeland, and the features conditioned by new cultural and historical context inextricably coexist in these publications.
Key words and phrases: этнос, национальная пресса, немцы-колонисты, Поволжье, инонациональное окружение, литературный язык, диалект, ethnicity, national press, German colonists, Volga region, foreign national environment, literary language, dialect
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