Sharipova Lyubava Pavlovna
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Abstract. This article considers the artistic realization of the archetypal motif of obsession in the Russian poetry of the Soviet period. The main goal of the study is an attempt to determine the location of the motif of obsession in the philosophical and historical context of the time, to trace its evolution and, basing on the results of the literary analysis of the Russian poets’ works in the Soviet era, to study and classify the possible ways of creative realization of the motif of obsession in poetic texts.
Key words and phrases: русская советская поэзия 20-50-х гг, русская советская поэзия 60-90-х гг, архетипический мотив одержимости, мистическая одержимость, одержимость идеей, одержимость любовной страстью, образы одержимых, образы одержателей, the Russian Soviet poetry of the 20-50s, the Russian Soviet poetry of the 60-90s, archetypal motif of obsession, mystical obsession, obsession with idea, obsession with passion of love, images of obsessed, images of those who make obsessed
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