Smirnova Nonna Georgievna
Technological Institute of Service (Branch) of Don State Technical University in Stavropol
Abstract. In the article the author makes an attempt to identify the content of the concept "life" and linguo-cognitive mechanisms of its figurative embodiment, the role of metaphorical conceptualization in the linguistic picture "The Course of Russian History" by V. O. Klyuchevsky and emphasizes that the metaphorical manner of thinking is a characteristic feature of speech-cogitative activity of V. O. Klyuchevsky and the use of conceptual metaphor is systemic.
Key words and phrases: исторический дискурс, концепт "жизнь", концептуальная метафора, метафорическая модель "общество как живой организм", концептуальная оппозиция "жизнь, движение" - "смерть, застой, разложение", historical discourse, the concept "life", conceptual metaphor, metaphorical model "society as a living organism", conceptual opposition between "life, movement" - "death, stagnation, decay"
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