Arakelova Amaliya Robertovna
Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University
Abstract. The author undertakes the attempt to recreate the model of the modern discourse of fashion, including such slots as participants of communication, chronotope, values, strategies, text, discursive formula, taking into account the institutional specificity of their language representation. The article explains the point of view that the Fashion Institute determines its language representation, its own set of speech events, its own clearly distinguished place and situation of communication, predetermines the patterns of communication, and it can attribute the discourse of fashion, supplying the Fashion Institute, to the institutional type of discourse.
Key words and phrases: институциональный дискурс, моделирование дискурса моды, хронотоп, дискурсивные формулы, участники коммуникации, ценности, коммуникативные стратегии, institutional discourse, fashion discourse modeling, chronotope, discursive formula, participants of communication, values, communication strategies
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