Monraev Mikhail Ubushaevich
Kalmyk State University
Abstract. The article considers the calls and sounds that animals and birds emit; and tells that domestic animals and birds (sheep, camel, horse, geese, etc.) emit sounds typical only of them. This is demonstrated by the material of the proverbs and sayings vocabulary of the Kalmyk language. This layer of the vocabulary is studied for the first time. The vocabulary under consideration is actively used in the Kalmyk writers’ colloquial speech and works of art.
Key words and phrases: пословично-поговорочная лексика, калмыцкий язык, семантика, глаголы звучания, звукоподражательные слова, proverbs and sayings vocabulary, the Kalmyk language, semantics, verbs of sound, onomatopoeic words
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