Popova Irina Mikhailovna
Tambov State Technical University
Abstract. In the article the methodological principles of teaching Modern Russian Literature to foreign students studying the Humanities and the examples of modern post-modernist authors’ works examination are given; educational-methodological multimedia textbooks for studying the literature of the end of the XX th – the beginning of the XI st century are presented. The object under research is the lesser genres of Tatyana Tolstaya, Lyudmila Ulitskaya, Lyudmila Petrushevskaya and other writers, whose texts are suggested in an adapted variant.
Key words and phrases: постмодернизм, элитность и массовость, эстетические шаблоны построения текста, авторские жанры, текстовая работа, филологический анализ, послетекстовая работа, post-modernism, elitism and generality, aesthetic patterns of text creating, author’s genres, t
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Popova I. M. Russkaya zhenskaya proza rubezha vekov: ucheb. posobie dlya inostrantsev. Tambov: Izd-vo Tambovskogo gosud. tekhnich. un-ta, 2008. 164 s.
Popova I. M., Gubanova T. V., Zhukova T. E., Lyubeznaya E. V. Sovremennaya russkaya literatura [Elektronnyi resurs] / Tambovskii gosudarstvennyi tekhnicheskii universitet. Tambov, 2013. 110 s. Mul'timediinoe elektronnoe posobie v sisteme VitalMS. Registratsionnyi № 032100366.
Popova I. M., Gubanova T. V., Lyubeznaya E. V. Sovremennaya russkaya literatura: ucheb. posobie dlya studentov-inostrantsev. Tambov: Izd-vo Tambovskogo gosud. tekhnich. un-ta, 2008. 64 s.