Makarova Venera Faizievna
Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of Social-Pedagogical Technologies and Resources
Abstract. In the article comic component in the Tatar tale of the 1960-70s is considered by the material of G. Afzal’s tales analysis. It is revealed that parody, "Aesopian writing" methods allowed the prosaist to create the satiric model of soviet society. Such methods of "Aesopian writing" as the reconstruction of anecdote situations, grotesque-parody and conditional-allegoric forms, different variants of repetitions, fantastic, fairy-tale, psycho-analytic and other inclusions were used for the obvious and allegorical criticism of totalitarian system.
Key words and phrases: татарский рассказ, юмор, сатира, ирония, пародия, приемы "эзопова языка", неожиданный финал, Tatar tale, humour, satire, irony, parody, methods of "Aesopian writing", unexpected end
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