Aleksandrov Oleg Anatol'evich, Rikhter Stefani Olegovna
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
Abstract. The article is written in the light of "na?ve" linguistics and shows the results of field expeditions realized within the territory of Tomsk region for the research purpose of metalanguage consciousness of the Russian Germans. Basing on the model of language field organization accepted in modern linguistics, the reconstruction of lexical field is carried out. Its elements are the vocabulary units of the German dialect and the Russian language used by the Germans in metalanguage function. The usage rate of field units in informants’ live speech is the main criterion, which allows ranging its structural elements.
Key words and phrases: "наивная" лингвистика, отечественная немецкая диалектология, метаязыковое сознание билингвальных говорящих, полевая модель языка, лексические единицы в метаязыковой функции, na?ve linguistics, local (national) German dialectology, metalanguage consciousne
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