Aksyutin Denis Eduardovich
Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov
Abstract. The television movie is considered as a text of mass communication and as semiotic phenomenon, which makes it possible to define it as a cinematic text. Basing on the fundamental importance of television movie verbal component, the philological approach is applied to its study, which direct objects are a vertical context and intertextual references. The notion of "intertextual references density" is introduced to determine the role of a vertical context when creating a television movie; and this provides data on references frequency. Another aspect of the research was the analysis of vertical context structure, basing on the typology of the referents of intertextual references and the character of references in each group.
Key words and phrases: текст массовой коммуникации, кинотекст, вертикальный контекст, интертекстуальная отсылка, референт интертекстуальной отсылки, плотность интертекстуальных отсылок, text of mass communication, cinematic text, vertical context, intertextual reference, refere
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