Naiden Evgeniya Vladimirovna
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of language phenomena in the discursive aspect. University hymn is considered as a specific genre structure in the context of scientific and educational discourse. For conducting a complex analysis the algorithm is compiled that includes such parameters as a communicative goal, author, addressee, dictum, ideoethnicity, the structural feature of the genre, the nature of participation in polycode message that is relevant for revealing the genre and discursive features of university hymns. As a result of the research the features of hymns are revealed and described in the aspect of scientific and educational discourse of the modern university.
Key words and phrases: дискурс, научно-образовательный дискурс, жанр, гимн, университет, комплексный анализ, discourse, scientific and educational discourse, genre, hymn, university, complex analysis
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