Galai Karina Nazirovna, Khlystova Anna Vladimirovna
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Abstract. The article considers the psychological role of olfactory predicates in the creative works of I. Bunin: scents play an exceptional role among other means of recognition and depictions of the world of existent things. I. Bunin describes the scents that talk not just about the present, about what happens here and now, but also talk about the place and time, and portrayed people’s social status and character. Thickening of sensory feelings in I. Bunin’s prose gives it suggestive tension. In most works it seems that scents take the reader into the past and existential.
Key words and phrases: роль обонятельных предикатов, описание запахов, запах любви, психологическая функция описания, вневременные запахи, role of olfactory predicates, description of scents, scent of love, psychological function of description, timeless scents
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