Ibaev Neimat Alysh ogly
Sumgait State University
Abstract. The article gives the information about ethnographic words related to viticulture, military affairs, sport, vegetable growing and poultry farming, and the vocabulary of the Turkic languages ??in the work of M. Kashkari. The rich ethnographic vocabulary of the XI th century is described. The article compares the words of ethnographic literary language with the words of the dialect. Lexical units related to viticulture, military affairs and sport, titles, vegetable growing and poultry farming, given in the article, may be used in the study of the language history and compiling the ethnographic dictionaries.
Key words and phrases: Махмуд Кашкари, Диваню люгат ит-тюрк, виноградарство, тюркские антропонимы, Mahmoud Kashkari, Divanyu lyugat it-tyurk, viticulture, Turkic anthroponomy
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