Dorokhova Alena Sergeevna
Volgograd State University
Abstract. The author considers the interaction of the categories "personal" and "universal" in the novel "Night Train to Lisbon" by Pascal Mercier. This opposition manifests itself at different levels of the work and is related to other opposable notions such as "reality" – "opportunity", "personality" – "history", "individual" – "typical". These oppositions are the basis of images formation, the revelation of heroes’ tempers and the development of the novel plot.
Key words and phrases: историческое время, метафизическое время, оппозиция "личное" – "всеобщее", познание себя через "другого", эссе, эссеизация, historical time, metaphysical time, opposition "private" – "universal", self-cognition through the "other", essay, essaization
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