Butenko Elena Yur'evna
Rostov State Economic University
Abstract. The author reveals the content of the categories "conceptualization" and "deconceptualization" in the context of linguistic culture, understands the conceptual sphere of ethnos and the conceptual system of language correspondingly as the result of these processes, substantiates that the reference to the phenomenon of "deconceptualization" is scientifically significant because it allows explaining the correspondence of the concept and notion information structures, as well as the correlation of scientific and naive pictures of the world, and emphasizing the direct and indirect methods of concepts verbalization suggests a typology of concepts that is based on the criteria of "the degree of concept verbalization in the text".
Key words and phrases: вербальная концептуализация, деконцептуализация, концепт, понятие, лингвоконцептология, концептосфера, типология концептов, лингвокультура, verbal conceptualization, deconceptualization, concept, notion, linguo-conceptology, conceptual sphere, typology of
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