Akhrenov Aleksei Vladimirovich, Yakovleva Svetlana Anatol'evna
Moscow State Regional University
National Autonomous University of Mexico
Abstract. The authors discuss the problem of compiling a bilingual Spanish-Russian learner’s dictionary, tell that the systematization of lexicographical system for compiling modern bilingual learner’s dictionaries requires not only to summarize the experience of practical lexicography, but also to form the modernized theoretical framework, including the principles and criteria for the selection of information and its presentation in a bilingual dictionary, and since the Spanish language is poly-national, pay special attention to the variability of the Spanish language and the inclusion of its national versions features into learner’s dictionaries.
Key words and phrases: испанский язык, национальный вариант, паниспанский подход, двуязычный учебный словарь, диатопные синонимы, Spanish language, national version, Pan-Spanish approach, bilingual learner’s dictionary, diatope synonyms
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