Maksimov Vladimir Vladimirovich
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
Abstract. The author considers the question of narrative status of personal noun in literary subtradition, devoted to the topic of war of 1941-1945, undertakes the attempt to classify the actual omnipoetic scenarios, and interprets the general movement not just as the extension of actual strategies space, but also as the transition from noun symbolic semantization strategy (the 1940-50s) to the strategy of the narrative playing of noun (the 1960-2010s) and the deconstruction of personal noun.
Key words and phrases: военная проза, нарративная модель, омнипоэтические сценарии и стратегии, сюжет, автор, повествователь, рассказчик, герой, персонаж, композиция, идеология, персональное имя, military prose, narrative model, omnipoetic scenarios and strategies, plot, author
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