Saburova Natal'ya Vladimirovna
North-Eastern Federal University named after M. K. Ammosov
Abstract. In connection with a number of journalistic style functional and genre features, the title in journalism gets a number of both formal and semantic features, one of which is play on words that is a frequently used device in journalistic titles. The author basing on the evaluation category significance for the entire genre of journalism concludes that play on words in a journalistic text title is nothing but the contaminated sense-evaluation of the situation described in the text; and by the analysis of title complex (title and subtitle) of one of the English texts demonstrates how the text realization of a title with play on words occurs.
Key words and phrases: публицистика, текст, игра слов, смысл, оценка, заголовок, подзаголовок, journalism, text, play on words, sense, evaluation, title, subtitle
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