Parnikova Tat'yana Valer'evna
Belgorod State Agricultural Academy named after V. Ya. Gorin
Abstract. The author undertakes the attempt to reveal the correlation between minimal text units and polypredicative sentences with parataxis and hypotaxis, functioning in the English and American authors’ poetic works of the XIX th-XX th centuries, and substantiates that the structural feature of a polypredicative sentence with parataxis and hypotaxis in the English texts written in verses is its ability to form mono-dictemic poetical works.
Key words and phrases: полипредикативное предложение с паратаксисом и гипотаксисом, минимальная текстовая единица, диктема, паратактический комплекс, гипотактический комплекс, polypredicative sentence with parataxis and hypotaxis, minimal text unit, dicteme, paratactic complex,
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