Borisovskaya Irina Valentinovna, Zimovets Natal'ya Viktorovna
Belgorod State National Research University
Abstract. The authors reveal the sentences of changes in natural languages along with existential sentences, which became possible due to the research in the sphere of logic of changes, describe the logical foundations of these sentences, discuss their structure from the perspective of modern linguistics, touch on the problems of existential sentences, the notions of staging and observer, suggest a possible classification of sentences of changes, basing on the criterion of observability, and by the example of two kinds of sentences of changes (sound and light) ascertain how the meaning of "process change" is formed on the basis of verb metaphorization.
Key words and phrases: предложения изменения, логика изменения, бытийные предложения, пропозитивное имя, метафоризация, фазовость, наблюдатель, sentences of changes, logic of changes, existential sentences, propositive name, metaphorization, staging, observer
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