Fedotova Lyubov' Nikolaevna
Institute of Language, Literature and Art of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan
Abstract. The author by the example of somatisms researches the specific nouns collocability, considers in detail the features of lexemes collocation in three distribution formulas (С аф.-ны? / -не? + С аф. -ы /-е, С + С аф. -ы /-е, С + С), as a result of the analysis concludes that the following syntactic formulas are typical for free collocations: С аф.-ны?/ -не? + С аф. -ы/-е, С + С аф. -ы/-е., and somatisms are collocated with words that denote people in general, animals, clothes; and tells that the circle of collocated words is expanded through metaphorization.
Key words and phrases: сочетаемость, согласование, рассогласование, соматизм, конкретные слова, collocability, agreement, disagreement, somatism, specific words
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