Syvorotkin Mikhail Mikhailovich
Murom Institute (Branch) of Vladimir State University named after A. G. and N. G. Stoletov
Abstract. The author conducts the etymological research of the names of rivers, lakes, ravines, gullies, etc., which are used by local residents of the river Teshcha left bank, as the result of the analysis reveals the groups of hydronyms, which are compact in structure and in their origins dating back to Mordovian (Moksha and Erzya) roots and stems; tells that the certain part of hydronyms has Russian origin, and basing on the analysis concludes that hydronymy of the studied area in most cases is of Finno-Ugric origin, and later lexical layer is Russian names.
Key words and phrases: гидроним, группа, компонент, происхождение, этимология, языковая принадлежность, hydronym, group, component, origin, etymology, linguistic attribute
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