Zhdanova Irina Igorevna, Smirnova Mariya Viktorovna, Maksimkina Ol'ga Sergeevna
Murmansk State Classical University
Abstract. The authors consider the nominative field of concepts "partners" and "dialogue" by the material of the Russian language foreign press media texts by revealing the direct nominations of concepts – key words and their synonyms, conduct the analysis of nominative field from the viewpoint of semantic-cognitive approach towards the study of correlation between semantic and cognitive processes, and conclude that the research of the semantics of nominative field linguistic units objectifying the concept allows representing the content of concepts "partners" and "dialogue" in the form in which they are represented and consolidated in the Russian language foreign press media texts.
Key words and phrases: когнитивная лингвистика, концепт, номинативное поле, ядро концепта, медиатексты, cognitive linguistics, concept, nominative field, core of concept, media texts
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