Savchenkova Tat'yana Pavlovna
Ishim State Pedagogical Institute named after P. P. Ershov
Abstract. The author reveals the principles of romantic anthropology, represented in philosopher and aesthetics A. I. Galich’s writings, considers the significance of his work "The picture of the man" and the notions "physiognomy" and "spiritual semiotics" for the Russian writers of the first third of the ХIХ th century, adverted in their prose to the artistic development of the motif "nose"; and pays special attention to the analysis of the poetics of poem "Nose" by A. P. Ershov, which is considered as the final work of the Russian "nose studies".
Key words and phrases: романтическая антропология, картина человека, физиономика, духовная семиотика, эстетика, мотив носа, А. И. Галич, П. П. Ершов, romantic anthropology, picture of the man, physiognomy, spiritual semiotics, aesthetics, motif of nose A. I. Galich, P. P. Ersho
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