Maksimov Vladimir Vladimirovich
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
Abstract. The author by the material of one of the most significant works of his time - the story "In Daylight" of E. G. Kazakevich - reveals and analyzes the strategy of overcoming the heroics as the main type of artistry, determined the military prose poetry in the 1940-1950s; considers as key ones two aspects of this work narrative structure: plot (the organization of text event plan) and composition (the organization of work ideological sphere); defines the originality of artistic solutions suggested by Kazakevich as the prosaization of heroic, and concludes that this strategy created the conditions for critical-analytical attitude to human consciousness, passing through the war and seeking to understand its moral results.
Key words and phrases: военная эпика, канон, нарративная модель, героика, стратегия дегероизации, сюжет, ситуация, событие, герой, композиция, идеология, автор, повествователь, рассказчик, military epic poetry, canon, narrative model, heroics, strategy of de-glorification, plot
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