Solov'eva Anna Sergeevna
Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. El'tsin
Abstract. The author considers social-morphic (social) metaphor used in the British media with sphere-target "the European Union", uses the British periodicals as the material for the research, analyzes the main metaphorical models, based on the conceptual spheres of social subsphere - military metaphor, metaphor of game, sport and theatre, and mentions that this group is presented by the following frames: "military operations and weapons", "the beginning of war and its results", "kinds of sport", "results of competitions".
Key words and phrases: СМИ, метафора, картина мира, социоморфная метафора, метафорическая модель, субсфера, фрейм, слот, mass media, metaphor, picture of the world, social-morphic metaphor, metaphoric model, subsphere, frame, slot
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