Pervukhina Svetlana Vladimirovna
Rostov State University of Communication Lines
Abstract. The author considers the problem of text adaptation patterns in legal discourse, basing on the analysis of factual material ascertains three possible patterns: the simplification of language, the explanation of notions and the interpretation of situation; gives the semantic-syntactic analysis of these patterns, and basing on these patterns determines in what way the simplification of language eliminates linguistic difficulties of text comprehension, in what way the explanation of notions affects the terminological ambiguity solution, and in what way the interpretation of situation helps overcome the lack of professional knowledge.
Key words and phrases: адаптация текста, модели адаптации текста, юридический дискурс, понятность текста, понимание текста, text adaptation, patterns of text adaptation, legal discourse, text comprehensibility, text comprehension
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