Nikolaichuk Anna Sergeevna
Donets Basin State Pedagogical University
Abstract. The author for the first time covers the theoretical problems of the complex sentence coordination and subordination in the conceptions of such structuralists as S. O. Kartsevskii, Z. Harris, L. Tesni?re, P. Diderichsen and others, reveals structuralism distinctive features in the context of the problem under research, and comes to the conclusions that structural linguistics preconditioned the solution of the question about the connections types of the complex sentence parts, within its limits significant attempts were undertaken to explain the mechanism of the simple sentence transformation into a complex one.
Key words and phrases: паратаксис, гипотаксис, сложное предложение, историография, концепции, структуралисты, parataxis, hypotaxis, complex sentence, historiography, conceptions, structuralists
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