Dubrovskaya Natal'ya Viktorovna
Tomsk State Pedagogical University
Abstract. This article research object is structural, pragmatic and motivating components in the word lexical meaning composition. The author considers the lexical meaning structure in respect to the south and north dialects of the Selkup language, and describes the substantives meanings of the Selkup language, the only living one of the South-Samoyed branch of the Ural languages family on the basis of the approach assuming that lexical meaning is a structure of micro-components, which composition is conditioned by the word paradigmatics, syntagmatics, pragmatics and etymology.
Key words and phrases: селькупский язык, лексическое значение, структурное значение, мотивирующий компонент семантики, прагматический компонент семантики, the Selkup language, lexical meaning, structural meaning, semantics motivating component, semantics pragmatic component
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