Taranenko Kseniya Vladimirovna
Dnepropetrovsk National University named after Oles' Gonchar, Ukraine
Abstract. The author researches the types of enantiosemy, reveals the major factor of internal antonymy occurrence in the Ukrainian language in terms of pragma-linguistics, in the course of the work applies the general methods of observation, interpretation, distributional analysis method, the techniques of component and contextual analysis, as a result proves that the internal antonymy as speech phenomenon is caused by the ambivalence of linguistic sign figuration and speaker’s communicative-pragmatic attitudes, and mentions that internal antonymy is used as the effective means of speaker’s intentions explication through the point of view in communicative situation, pragmatic attitude and the expression of attitude contradictoriness.
Key words and phrases: внутренняя антонимия, энантиосемия, прагмалингвистика, прагматическая установка, мелиоративные и пейоративные компоненты, internal antonymy, enantiosemy, pragma-linguistics, pragmatic attitude, meliorative and pejorative components
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